Tango Map

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Tango Map
Started in 2020
Ended in 2021
Initiator(s) Daniel de Kay, Korey Ireland, Mara, Mitra Martin

Project domain(s) Community, Experience of tango, Ontology

The Tango Map is a project that was started within the context of AwakenTango. It was initially intended to identify areas where future projects could create value for the tango community, and it quickly developed beyond that intent.

The map, as it is today, aims to describe what tango is made of, including the people who create tango, music, history, culture, and even more.

Evolution of the map

Iteration 0 - initial brainstorming

Visual brainstorming in diagram.io, lead to a few hundred individual items that describe the experience and expression of tango.

This is the first time we realized that tango is bigger than what each of us saw, and that a tango ecosystem map could be an output of the project.

Iteration 1 - clustering

Creating more order by clustering and adding first cluster names. File:The map.pdf

Iteration 2 - sense making

How does it all fit together? One way of categorizing the elements in the map is by "context size":

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Iteration 2
Level Context size Name Description Example elements
1 everything Essence of Tango Philosophical level of what tango is, and its potential
2 all The tango universe

= Ecosystem

Encompasses everyone who plays a role in the tango universe
3 many lots Networks Everyone, but already in connection with others. Often regional, or within a certain role Organizers, Dancers in Europe
4 lots Communities of communities Regional tango scenes Berlin tango scene
5 many Communities e.g. students of a tango school, members of a community Students of Nou
6 few Collaborations e.g. teachers in a school
7 2=1&1 Partnerships Close collaboration between two people, like a dancing couple, or teaching couple Connection
8 1 +x Individuals in action towards/with others How one person interacts with people in a milonga, Teaching tango Social interactions, Cabeceo
9 1 Individual’s inner experience Learning tango, experience, emotions Flow, Fear, Joy

Iteration 3 - from sense to action

How can the map be used to help people engage with additional activities? Can it be used in the engagement of Awaken Tango with it's extended community? Can it be used to guide people by interest to the areas they could be contributors?

Iteration 3
N Context Horizon of focus Details Projects Challenges Is this your horizon?
1 Individual




inner experience such as flow, yearning, social anxiety, mystical experiences

external behaviors such as mirada/cabeceo, investigation

Tango Inner Experience Research Study It takes one to tango Fear, low self esteem, discrimination, social acceptance, age, trauma load, Do you often reflect/journal on your own inner experience?

Do you feel curious about how people's choices create our shared reality?

Do you enjoy discovering new mind/body modalities and applying them?

2 Partnership





A teaching or performing couple; a couple dancing a tanda, a musical duo, a mentor/mentee pair; student/teacher Love Takes Practice Tango Poetry Project Underdeveloped communication skills, trust, lack of understanding of consent Do you love to practice?

Do you prefer 1:1 conversations over everything else?

Are you a communication geek?

3+ Collectives


Cohorts A team of organizers; a group of teachers in a school The Tango Challenge, Tango Map Sexism, racism, ageism; systemic/structural inequity; lack of lack of facilitation skills; lack of collaboration skills; lack of systems literacy; inadequate understanding of business models, marketing, governance Do you feel motivated to help tango grow and scale?

Do you often feel that there is underexplored potential in groups?

Do you like to experiment with new formats for social connection?

Do you like facilitating group experiences?

Communities A tango school; a facebook group with a fcous theme, like Feminism Oxygen Tango

of Communities

A city; a region; a scene House Tango Tango Mango
Networks A regional network, a theme network, such as organizers Awaken Tango
The tango universe (ecosystem?) The sum of all tango experience and expression Tango Partner App Earth Virtual Milonga
Inf Essence


Music What tango is, and what it is becoming Tango en la terrazzas Narrowness, conservatism, lack of funding, lack of contexts to celebrate innovation, lack of credible elders Are you incredibly curious when it comes to tango music?

Do you love to immerse yourself in all kinds of tango music?

Do you feel motivated to develop skills so you can more fully express?