Marcelo Di Rienzo

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Marcelo Di Rienzo
Location Argentina
Occupation Photographer
Role(s) in tango ecosystem

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Social Link(s)

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Marcelo Di Rienzo is an Argentine photographer renowned for his evocative and cinematic tango photography. His work captures the precision, balance, and emotional depth of tango, making him a prominent figure in the tango photography world.


Marcelo Di Rienzo's approach to photography is heavily influenced by Italian neo-realism, creating visual poetry through lights, shadows, and textures. His photographs convey the beauty and complexity of tango, inviting viewers on an emotional and introspective journey.

Role in Tango Ecosystem

Marcelo Di Rienzo's photography is celebrated for its ability to capture the essence of tango. His work is featured in various exhibitions and publications, contributing to the global appreciation of tango.

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