Karina Beorlegui

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Karina Beorlegui
Occupation renowned singer, actress and producer
Role(s) in tango ecosystem Musician, Singer, Producer"Producer" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property., Actress"Actress" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property.

Domain(s) of expertise Tango music, Fado music
Linked Work(s) Tango en la Terraza
Social Link(s)

Karina Beorlegui is a renowned singer, actress and producer. She has released three albums, building and exploring a bridge between Argentine tango and Portugese fado. She has performed with a who’s who of contemporary tango greats including Federico Mizrahi, Alejandro Dolina, and Chino Laborde, among many others, and has anchored the show “Tango Porteño” as lead vocalist. She produced the Fado-Tango Club at the CAFF in Buenos Aires, and also created and produced the Fado-Tango Festival. She performs with Federico Mizrahi in the April 23 Tango en la Terraza concert.

An interviewed with Karina by Meredith Klein can be read under https://meredithklein-tangostories.medium.com/from-the-port-to-the-terraza-an-interview-with-vocalist-karina-beorlegui-69a5a97d3e7c