Harassment in the embrace

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Harassment in the tango embrace is defined in the following ways:

  • Unwelcome. Doing any behavior that your partner has specified is not welcome.
  • Kinds of contact. Contact with your partner's mouth, breast, buttocks, ear, wrist, hair or any part of the body that is not part of the normal parameters of the tango embrace and movement vocabulary. Protracted, firm/rough or palpating contact, especially of parts of the body that don't ordinarily make prolonged contact during tango, is often a signal or prelude toward harassment.
  • Not releasing. Holding a partner close insistently while he or she is releasing or trying to move away from you, during or between songs.
  • Words and sounds. Sexual innuendo and suggestive intonations; sexually evocative sounds, or talk that specifically references sexual conduct or fantasies, or implicates your partner in the same.