Cristina Vatielli

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Cristina Vatielli
Location Rome, Italy
Occupation Photographer
Role(s) in tango ecosystem

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Cristina Vatielli is an Italian photographer renowned for her deep research and historical-documentary approach. Her evocative photography has explored various subjects, including tango, capturing its essence with a unique and insightful perspective.


Born in Rome, Cristina Vatielli graduated from the Scuola Romana di Fotografia and has since established herself as a prominent photographer. Her projects are rooted in deep research and a historical-documentary approach, with tango being one of the many subjects she has explored.

Role in Tango Ecosystem

Cristina Vatielli's work in tango photography is characterized by its depth and emotional resonance. She has managed to capture the soul of tango, blending it with her distinctive style to create powerful visual narratives.

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