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The global pandemic "Covid-19" put a hold on tango almost everywhere globally from March 2020 to summer 2021.

Countries where tango continued in the pandemic


Countries where tango was prohibited in the pandemic

Country from to comments
Germany March 2020 Practicas and Lessons were the first possible events, and milongas only with hygiene concepts and limited amount of dancers

Impact of the pandemic on the tango scene

Phase 1 (March 2020 to summer 2020)

With tango being forbidden in many countries, tango professionals are especially suffering, since they have almost no source of income. Milongas are closed, and tango classes are forbidden.

Solidarity: donations, protests

In Germany dancers from the Nou tango school protested in front of the federal government in Berlin with live music played by Korey Ireland.[1]

Online events: Classes, Music, ...

Phase 2 (Fall 2020 to Spring 2021)
Phase 3 (Summer 2021 -)

A new normal?

Anonymous self-reporting in New York[2]

Milongas opening, with vaccination mandates, or tests

Phase 4 (November 2021 -)

Back to pandemic mode.

Example statistics of tango events

  • Tres Besos Tango Marathon Nov 2021: 3G event with only vaccinated or tested participants. No infections
  • Kyiviv Tango Festival 2021: ~25% infected participants, as self-reported through comments on a thread on facebook.
  • Remolino Tango Festival 2022: Participants performed a self-test every day. 82 infections out of 509 participants, probably Omicron.[3]
  • La ToSCA tango marathon 2022: Participants were vaccinated or recovered, but no tests were required: ~25% infected participants (guesstimate)
  • Pensalo Bien tango marathon 2022: Participants were vaccinated or recovered, and a mandatory tests on check-in: ~25% infected participants (guesstimate)

Trauma and conflict

Like in every part of society, also the tango scene had members who reacted differently to the pandemic. Some considered the pandemic to be non-existant, or not a threat, and others were mortally afraid of dancing, or ever dancing tango again.
