Anthony Cronin

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Anthony Cronin
Location Dublin, Ireland
Occupation Photographer, DJ
Role(s) in tango ecosystem

Domain(s) of expertise
Linked Work(s)
Social Link(s)

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Anthony Cronin is a photographer and DJ from Dublin, Ireland, known for his dynamic tango photography. His work captures the vibrant energy and emotion of tango, making him a respected figure in the tango community.


Anthony Cronin has been documenting tango events across Europe, capturing the movement and passion of tango dancers. His background in DJing adds a unique perspective to his photography, allowing him to capture the rhythm and flow of the dance.

Role in Tango Ecosystem

Anthony Cronin's contributions to tango include his work as both a photographer and a DJ. His photographs are widely recognized for their ability to convey the intensity and beauty of tango.

External Links