Daniel de Kay

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Daniel de Kay
Website https://daniel.dekay.org
Location Ludwigshafen
Occupation PhD in Chemistry, now working in Innovation Management
Role(s) in tango ecosystem Organizer, Photographer, Chronist"Chronist" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property., Website operator
Affiliation(s) AwakenTango
Domain(s) of expertise Community, Tango Ontology, Wiki, Databases, Tango Marathons
Linked Work(s) Tango Marathon Directory, Rhein-Neckar-Tango, TangoResearch.net
Social Link(s) https://www.facebook.com/danieldekaytango, https://twitter.com/danieldekay


 Has event typeStarted inEnded in
G.Pampa Tango MarathonMarathon2015-01-012017-01-01

Websites by Daniel de Kay:

Tango Marathon Directory2011-01-01

Besides being a social dance with a preference for tango marathons and encuentros, Daniel has created various web sites for tango, and organized the tango marathon "G.Pampa Tango Marathon", and "mtangoparty", besides a series of milonga weekends called "Zeitlose Milongas".

Daniel is also a (inactive) tango photographer under "Daniel de Kay Photography".[1]