AGEISM IN TANGO: Women and ageism

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AGEISM IN TANGO - Women and Ageism

In response to growing discussions about ageism in tango, Melina Sedó, a renowned tango teacher, was invited to address the specific challenges that ageism poses for women in the tango community. This conversation was initiated after a provocative video by Robin Thomas stirred both support and criticism for its exploration of ageism, emphasizing the need for a female perspective on the issue.

Key Points from the Discussion

  • Prevalence of Ageism: Women face distinct challenges in the tango scene, often judged more harshly on the basis of appearance and youth, which can affect their competitive and social opportunities in tango.
  • Insights from Melina Sedó: Regularly engaging with the topic of ageism in her classes, Sedó advocates for a proactive approach to combat its negative effects. She emphasizes empowerment over victimhood and suggests practical strategies for women to enhance their tango experience.
  • Proactive Community Engagement: Sedó highlights the importance of inclusivity in tango events, suggesting that mixing age groups can promote a healthier, more supportive environment.
  • Specific Challenges for Female Teachers: Sedó brings to light a lesser-discussed aspect of ageism—its impact on older female teachers in tango, who may encounter more significant obstacles compared to their male counterparts.
  • Empowering Women in Tango: The discussion also covers the importance of finding female role models within the tango community and managing expectations to enjoy a more fulfilling dance experience.


The video serves as a comprehensive look at how ageism affects women in tango, offering both a critique of existing biases and a hopeful perspective on overcoming these challenges through community efforts and personal resilience.
