Tango Professionals Report

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Tango Professionals Report
Started in 2020
Ended in 2020
Website https://www.awakentango.com/blog2/tango-professionals-report
Initiator(s) Meredith Klein
Project type Survey
Project domain(s) Professionals, Economics

Summary by Mitra Martin:

"Spoiler alert: the situation isn’t pretty. Here are six insights that emerge from her analysis:

  1. For those who derive a significant portion of their income from tango, tango is not just a livelihood, but a life — and, a way of contributing to others and the world that has deep meaning for them.
  2. For tango artists, whose creativity is embodied, interactive, and participatory, COVID’s impact is especially destructive.
  3. Being a tango pro pre-COVID was stressful, and some welcomed a moment’s pause to reflect on their career and consider new ways of moving forward.
  4. As the tango economy pivots to online offerings and sees an explosion of formats, there is a disconnect between what producers enjoy offering compared to what consumers enjoy doing. New skills and training are needed by professionals.
  5. Tango professionals are financially fragile, and despite the generosity of many community members, require financial support beyond what community members can offer.
  6. In addition, there is a great appetite among tango teaching artists to collaborate in new ways, both with those who are part of their immediate community, as well as across communities."[1]