Why people start dancing tango

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"In Tango, I have found 6 big underlying reasons people get into it.  

This list is by no means comprehensive:  

  • to experience connection
  • to get into a casual or significant relationship
  • to experience community
  • to engage in another recreation/ hobby
  • to learn body skills and the experience that comes with moving and learning with the body
  • and lastly, to actually learn Tango.

In other words, most people I have asked really are not learning Tango just for the learning, but some payoff – connection, relationship, community, recreation, and/ or body skills."

Quote by Dave Donatiu in https://web.archive.org/web/20101118080047/http://tangoforlife.com/wordpress/2009/04/23/tangasm-dangers-part-2-alignment/