Taxi sharing

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What is this about?

Help dancers save costs and share taxis from the airport or train station to the venue, and back.

How does it work?

Best way:

Provide an online document where dancers can add their arrival and departure times. This way the travelers can arrange by themselves who shares taxis. Additionally, if the event organizers want to arrange for a shuttle, or have their own driver, they can use the same list for much easier logistics planning.

Well suited for this are tools that don't require registration, and which are failure-resistant. Example: Excel Online, Google Sheets, Airtable, Notion

A good structure for setting this up, separately for arrivals and departures.

Example structure of a table
Date Time Name How many? Flight number Contact

Things to consider:

  • password-protect the document
  • don't forget to make it writable by everyone
  • share its existence with participants early enough (2 weeks min)
  • monitor what happens, and help people make connections
  • group by color if you see obvious matches of taxis
  • point everyone who asks towards the sheet. it should be the only place where things are coordinated


Provide a facebook group or other forms of chat groups for travelers to self-organize.

Why does it create value?

Traveling dancers can more easily share taxis: this saves costs, and is also a great way to get to know new dancers or hang out with friends.