Property:Processing error message

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Showing 13 pages using this property.
"Tango Musician" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property., "Tango Educator" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property.
"Annual" is not in the list (one-time, daily, weekly, monthly, annually) of allowed values for the "Has regularity" property.
"MacOS" is not in the list (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) of allowed values for the "Has platform" property.
"MacOS" is not in the list (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) of allowed values for the "Has platform" property.
"Region" is not in the list (Continent, Country, State, City, Local place, Venue) of allowed values for the "Location type" property.
"$69" is not in the list (Free, Freemium, Subscription, One-time Purchase) of allowed values for the "Has pricing model" property.
"Director" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property.
"GPLv3" is not in the list (Open-Source, Proprietary) of allowed values for the "Has license" property.
"Learning" is not in the list (Music Management, Music Playback, Music Editing, Event Management, Music Tagging, Music Recognition, Student Management, Class Management, Studio Management) of allowed values for the "Has functionality" property.
"Music Preservation" is not in the list (Dancer, Musician, Composer, Arranger, Lyrics author, Orchestra director, Organizer, DJ, Teacher, Photographer, ...) of allowed values for the "Has role" property.
"Annually" is not in the list (one-time, daily, weekly, monthly, annually) of allowed values for the "Has regularity" property.
"Annually" is not in the list (one-time, daily, weekly, monthly, annually) of allowed values for the "Has regularity" property.
"USD 25" is not in the list (Free, Freemium, Subscription, One-time Purchase) of allowed values for the "Has pricing model" property.