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Regional Focus Switzerland
Event types Practica, Milonga, Lesson, Workshop
Owner(s) Celine Mahler
Started in year 2019

Social Link(s)

Free text:

About is an extensive directory for finding tango milongas and events across the French-speaking region of Switzerland (Suisse Romande). The platform helps dancers locate milongas, practicas, courses, and special events, ensuring they can enjoy tango wherever they are.


  • **Find Milongas**: Search for milongas by city or region within Switzerland.
  • **Register Milongas**: Organizers can add their milongas to the directory to reach a broader audience.
  • **Tango Events**: Information on upcoming tango festivals, workshops, and special events.
  • **Tango Resources**: Links to tango music, dance schools, and other tango-related resources.

How to Use

Visitors can navigate the website to find milongas by entering the city or browsing through the available listings. Organizers are encouraged to register their milongas to make them accessible to a global audience.

For more details, visit the []( website.